Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gratitude for Readers & Writers

Susan at Inkspells made this comment: "the act of bravery that writing truly is." How true that is! Writers work hard to create, to communicate and then put the words out there where they are open to rejection, criticism, harsh judgment, along with (we hope!) praise and positivity.

I'm trying something different with my blog list, now putting every blog I follow on my sidebar. But to keep it manageable, only the most recent 10 show up. Doing this reminded me how grateful I am for all of you who enrich my life daily.

I want to say a big thank you to those talented writer/bloggers who write those amazing posts that enlighten me, make me laugh, inspire me and generally make my day! And thank you to those who visit my blog! It is humbling to know that people are reading even the sometimes silly posts I write.

And if you're a follower here but I've not been to your site please let me know so I can follow in return. Just say "Yo, come on over and click the button!"


  1. Silly? No way! :-) I always enjoy your posts.

  2. Your posts aren't silly at all. I find them quite relatable and inspiring. How could I not visit your blog?

  3. I agree, your post are inspiring. But if you do sometimes have a silly post, that's great too because we all need to be able to laugh and smile. Sometimes it takes a fellow blogger to brighten our day and they may not even know it.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. And thank you for keeping on keeping on. It's always nice to read whatever you have to say.

  5. I enjoy your blog and check it regularly. Keep up the good work!

  6. Karen, are we 'brave' or just mad ?, some days I can't decide.
    I think we are all essentially readers and love reading other writer's blogs, sad, happy and humorous.

  7. Change is always interesting, we'll keep coming back to see how it works.

  8. I love your posts, Karen! Thanks for reading mine, too - both personalities! :)

  9. thank you for your posts, and comments!

  10. The feeling's mutual, Karen :)

  11. It is all about reciprocity and appreciation, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by MY blog today, as now I have discovered YOU!

  12. I love reading all your blog posts. Haven't come across a silly one yet. I am just thrilled I can count you among my followers.

  13. Brave or crazy? Bravely crazy? Crazily brave?

    Whichever. I'm just glad writers are willing to put themselves out there. :)

  14. Well, yes, I THOUGHT I had added all the blogs I follow to my sidebar but clearly that button didn't do what it said it did. Hmmm, well, anyway, still thank you everyone, even if you're not yet over there on the picky sidebar!!

    Watery Tart/Hart, Oh you're the Viking!! Welcome!!

    Maybe brave and crazy are too close to separate. I can think of some brave things I've done that people thought were crazy. And some crazy things I've done that I thought were brave.

  15. I appreciate your posts and the comments you leave for me!

  16. I really like your blog too, the feeling is mutual!

  17. And glad I found your blog as well!

  18. I appreciate you, Karen.
    And my sidebar is getting a little long with blogs...

  19. So Alex, how do you get ALL the blogs you follow on the sidebar without individually clicking each one?

  20. I really like your blog and would read it every day whether you put my blog there or not. My blogging has sure brought me closer to other writers.


  21. I agree. Writing and any other form of artistic creativity takes a streak of bravery as well as genius. Isn't it great to have 216 people who actively support what you're doing here?

  22. I might have just worked out what that follower thing is you were talking about in my comments box the other day!

  23. Good idea on the blog roll. Mine is getting very long.

  24. Thank YOU for bringing a smile to the rest of us!

  25. Awww thank you for having not just this great blog to follow but also your "From the shadows to the page".

    take care

  26. KarenG, I want to dig around your early posts to find your path to publication story!

  27. Julie, here you go

    That should make it easier for you.

  28. I did the same thing with the blogs I follow. It lets me know who's posted lately. I love it. It keeps it simple and I don't have to check everyone's blog every day.

    Thanks for stopping by. I've missed your comments the last few weeks.

  29. Yes! You're post keep me going! I like your idea of the most recent 10. Is that an option you can do on blogger?

  30. I had to put my sidebar on a scroll so it didn't take up eight feet of space ;)

    Love stopping by here and seeing what you're up to - keep up the great posts!

  31. Melissa, which is why I'm putting up the blogs on my sidebar that I like to check regularly. Yours wasn't there anymore and I don't know why but I've fixed it now.

    Christina, Yes you can go into layout and click on how many you want to show, 10 most recent, 25 most recent, etc.

    Jaydee, I don't know how to put the sidebar on a scroll. Haven't figured that one out yet.

  32. I'm always amazed I have any followers. I tend to ramble and babble quite a bit. So far, I'm enjoying yours and the lightheartedness within your words. I need that right now.

    Keep up the good work.

  33. I think you've struck a chord with a lot of people! Brave or mad? Now there's a fine line.

    Maybe we're both. Like Don Quixote, riding off bravely to tilt at windmills.

  34. Writing is the easy part...SHARING is the hard part. It's like wearing a "Kick Me" sign on your back but hoping people hug you instead....or rip the sign off your back, hahaha!

  35. Thank you to you, too, Karen. This writing community is such an encouragement to me!


  36. What a great idea for your sidebar! I didn't know you could do that. I love your posts, Karen. Honest and encouraging!

  37. Thanks for the link back! I think the line between bravery and madness is fine indeed, like the thin line separating original and just plain crazy. Ah, but that's another post! :)

  38. I feel this same gratitude for those blogs I read. I created a second blog just to list the ones I like to go to everyday, because my list was so long it was crashing my main blog.

  39. Aww. You're welcome, Karen. :o)


Comments are welcome!