Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

I Never Thought I'd See the Day

 You can tell my age from this title, one of those old expressions I remember hearing from my mother, grandmothers and aunties. I love these old-fashioned expressions, but as interesting as I find that as a blog post topic, it's not for today.

The day I never thought I'd see was my son starting a blog. Not only starting, but seriously crafting his posts and asking me to review them and offer edits. This is a son who hated homework with a passion. And as much as he, like all my kids, loves to read, writing was always just another form of hated homework.

But then a cancer diagnosis does strange things to a person. It's been a little over three months since he learned that his recurring and worsening stomach pains and digestive issues were due to a colon tumor. This photo was taken in June, when as Don says, "There was this huge thing growing in my colon, and I had no idea." 

After his operation and further scans showed it spread to his liver, Don was still processing how life had suddenly changed for him and his family. Talking about it helped, but how much to share and with whom? Some folks aren't comfortable with the topic, while others want to know everything. So Don decided to start his blog. 

It's been a great way for him to process events and to inform friends and family who want to know more. I think he's done a fabulous job with it. In these three months, I've learned way more about cancer and its treatment than I ever knew. 

Because of what my son is experiencing, I'm very interested in this now and would love to find other blogs that deal with cancer. If you know of any, please share links in the comments. 

If you're curious about Don's blog, it is Don has cancer! (exclamation point is his, not mine)


  1. Prayers for Don! Brave to start a blog about it but he will help others faced with such a scary prognosis.

  2. Prayers and good wishes for Don.


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