Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Glad Game

 I love reading old classics. What I'm reading now is Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Parker. First time reading it although I've seen the movie many times. It's one of those that still hold up, decades later, surprisingly enough given it's sweet innocence. But Disney did it so well, and Hayley Mills played Pollyanna with such verve and personality, that it never came across too too sweet. 

Today's world is the opposite of 1960--before the feminist revolution, the drugs and hippies, before Vietnam, before the Kennedy assassination, before the other Kennedy assassination, then Martin Luther King. All these things that turned post war America upside down. And still, this film and this book stay relevant.

Maybe it's because gratitude in the midst of sorrow or disappointment will never go out of style. Playing Pollyanna's Glad Game is always a great idea for anyone at any time.

Today I am glad that this dreary winter is nearly over and spring is in the air. Yesterday in Salt Lake City I woke up to snow and ice. Yet going outdoors early, stepping carefully to not slip on the icy sidewalk, I smelled spring! It's not quite March yet, but I smelled spring. That made me very happy.

I am glad about a whole lot of things that I didn't know I was glad about until I started writing this post. A new grandbaby, a darling little pink beauty named Rose. A few trips planned for the coming months. My good health and a loving family. Just to name a few.

What are you glad about today?


  1. I'm not smelling spring yet, but some of the signs are there. Increased bird vocalizations, shrinking shadows, the sunlight getting stronger. What made me happy today? It got above freezing and it was sunny. A not common combination, and we got a little melting.

  2. Hi Karen, I am a first-time visitor to your blog and thankful that you did the same on my blog and left a comment. I am always thankful and appreciative of visits even if no comment is left. Spring is a way off here in Nashua, NH, as we still have huge snow piles and a lot of ice from last weekend's storm followed by frigid temps.

    I invite you to return and visit again. I will be reading some of your older blog posts as well.

    1. Thanks for the visit, Beatrice! I'm always glad to meet a new blogger and find new blogs to follow. The Northeast must have the longest winters in America, with the most snow.

  3. I LOVE Pollyanna but haven't been blessed with her pathological optimism. Glad you're in good health, Karen, and glad you get to be a grandma again <3

    1. "Pathological optimism" hahahaha I love it, Mirka! What a wordsmith you are.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very glad that the days are getting longer and that it was above freezing in New York City today. Welcome to Baby Rose!

    1. Above freezing is progress for sure, especially in February.

  6. Hi Karen - congratulations on little Rose - a delightful name. Yes - next time you visit it'll be Spring ... it's a-coming here ... and I am so look forward to it - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. There's nothing quite as cheering as a brand new baby and spring around the corner.

  7. People in general became more...negative.
    We might see seventy degrees this week!

  8. How funny. My mind has been all over the place since the beginning of the year. I've been really finding it hard to read books at all, I'm ashamed to say.

    I was at a store and saw the complete set of the Anne of Greengables. Remembering its whimsy and sweetness, I bought it, and have been reading a chapter or two at bedtime. It has been wonderfully soothing. After a few weeks of this, I tackled another book, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I've been able to keep my mind on it! That is my gratitude for the week.

  9. Hello Karen, enjoyed your post and you have a lot to be glad for. I'm glad for a lot of things but today it is that my niece will be visiting me in April from overseas. I haven't seen her since 2018.

  10. I love your reflections on Pollyanna! It’s such a timeless story, and Hayley Mills really brought the character to life in a way that resonates even today. The idea of finding joy and gratitude, no matter the circumstances, is something we all can embrace.

    It’s amazing how much has changed since the 1960s, yet the core message of gratitude and optimism remains relevant. Your gladness about the approaching spring is infectious! It’s wonderful how even a hint of spring can uplift our spirits, especially after a long winter.

    Congratulations on your new grandbaby, Rose! That’s such a precious blessing. And it sounds like you have some exciting adventures ahead!

    As for what I'm glad about today, I’m thankful for the simple joys in life, like a warm cup of coffee and the chance to connect with wonderful people like you. What a beautiful reminder to focus on the good things, big and small!

    You are invited to read my new blog post:

  11. Hi, Karen. I'm aware of your comments on Mirka's blog and decided to check out yours. Congrats on your new grandchild. Although I was and am a Hayley Mills fan, I never saw Pollyanna, but I know she won a special juvenile Academy Award for it. Have you read her memoir, Forever Young? I didn't know the Glad Game, but I've been using something like that recently to offset all the negative stuff. Being optimistic makes me happier. Today I'm glad there were no new disasters here at Chez Barb. One day at a time.

    1. Barb, I read Forever Young in December and loved it! Since I've always been a Hayley Mills fan, it was great to get her perspective on her films and so much else.

  12. It's always good to focus on the postive, although sometimes that can be hard. I'm glad the book still stands up. It's sad how some books and movies age poorly.


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