Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My History with Social Media

 I began this blog sometime back in 2010, either before or after my second book came out, as a way to market and to connect with other writers. It wasn't my first go round. Does anyone remember AOL? It had a basic blog format where I wrote personal entries to share with my family. Then one day AOL disappeared along with my posts.

When Google developed Blogger, easy to use and very popular, I signed up. Those of us who have been at it for awhile will remember how fun it was in those early days when followers and comments showed up in droves. It seemed like everyone was starting a blog, especially writers. 

Facebook was growing as well. Soon Twitter was a thing and I signed up there too. All over social media, blogging friends found and followed each other.

I had a nice, long fling with Facebook, who I'm currently mad at and ready to break up with. It won't let me share these posts on my page, saying they are offensive and against their standards. What? I write about simple, everyday things, never anything controversial.

As far as other social media, I'm on Instagram and Pinterest but never go there. I signed up for TikTok a year ago when one of my sons had a viral post. It was fun to see it get all those views for awhile. When that ended, so did my relationship with TikTok. I hate it there. Feels so frenetic and disjointed, definitely not my thing.

Interesting how my history with social media began with blogging and is ending the same way, back to the very same blog I started in 2010. It's nice that Blogger is still here, still easy to use, void of Facebook's foolish, discriminatory rules. 

There are even a few of the same blogging buddies from the early days, although they don't post or comment nearly as often. None of us do--it's amazing that we're still active here at all. 

I found some wonderful new blogs through the A to Z Challenge. I love spending a quiet hour in the afternoons scrolling through my Reading List and seeing the updates of new posts to read and comment on. Only there's not enough of you. I enjoy following blogs on all kinds of topics and I only wish I could find more.


  1. Blogger is still my favorite. Still on Twitter/X. No interest in Tik Tok. Started my blog in 2009 and appreciate all the friends I've made over the years.

    1. I think we started about the same time, Alex. Amazing we are still here.

  2. I'm still on Facebook, although I try to spend less than five minutes a day because of wanting updates on a couple of friends facing challenges. I'm going to keep my X account but right now I'm not on it at all. No interest in Tik Tok. I've been blogging since April of 2009. I remember AOL (and even used it for a year or more) but actually started online in January of 1997 using CompuServe. I don't remember AOL having a blogging feature. I've only used Blogger and my original blog is the one I still blog at- 15 years worth now. I've seen so many bloggers come and go. I treasure those that are still there from my early days. I'm happy I found you during the early days of preparing for the 2024 Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

    1. Alana, same here. I really liked your A to Z Challenge posts.

  3. I've had issues with Facebook complaining about my blog posts, too. Quite ridiculous. I've been blogging since 2009 and there are very few of the 'originals' left. It's interesting to make contact with others and enjoy a little of their lives.

    1. I'm glad to know it's not just me with Facebook. People are leaving it in droves. Perhaps not deleting pages just rarely active there anymore.

  4. Karen, so much of what you posted had me nodding in agreement: Facebook up to but not including TikTok (although I can add MySpace). One friend was deleted from Facebook because she "wasn't a real person" and wouldn't provide driver's license or other ID to prove herself a real person. AtoZChallenge and #IWSG are both great encouragement for writing.

    1. That's rather shocking, Gail. They make these inexplicable decisions and leave no recourse. I'm over it.

  5. I haven't had a problem sharing my blog posts on facebook yet but one of my friends got her whole facebook account deleted and she was never able to get any help getting it back. She refused to start another one and is on Twitter and Instagram now.

  6. While I take long breaks here and there, Blogger is home. I love that!

  7. It was very interesting to read about your experiences. I stick mainly to blogging now and rarely go to my accounts on other media sites.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about Facebook! Technology can be so frustrating sometimes, but I'm incredibly grateful for the connections, friendships, and interactions I've experienced thanks to the Internet and my blog.

  9. I'm on blogger even though blogging is largely over, because it turned out that I like the discipline of weekly posts and the outlet for "this and thats", i.e. life. Like you, I found Facebook a good connector. (I like their groups most of all.) But Facebook is also a faceless superspy, supposedly the master of personal data gathering and sharing. I just make sure nothing that isn't already on the interwebs (what would that be? We are so exposed) gets on there from now on. I'm on X and Instagram but only marginally, and lately joined BlueSky because kidlit writers recommended it as a much nicer and not toxic alternative to the lovers of Twitter/X, where publishing professionals used to gather. It has a nice interface, but I'm too new to feel okay there.


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