Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dengue Fever

 Tuesday, Sept. 3 was my last day in Mexico. My daughter and son had come to help me with the move. My son left on Sunday, and my daughter and I flew out together on Tuesday. 

But an interesting development occurred at around noon on Tuesday. All three of us developed symptoms of Dengue Fever, the body aches, fatigue and fever. Apparently we had all been bit by the same mosquito 4 or 5 days previous. This photo was taken about an hour before our symptoms hit.

Dengue lasts about 7 to 10 days. By day 10, I felt pretty well back to normal, with the leftover rash and brain fog being the final symptoms. My son, however, was still suffering with body aches. I felt so bad since my kids had come to Mexico to help me and they both ended up with worse cases than what I had. Fortunately, they are both better now.

This is the second time for me. I had Dengue ten years ago in Guatemala. It is like a really serious, long-lasting case of the flu. Your head and eyes hurt, your entire body aches-- bones, muscles, everything. Even the skin hurts. Fever comes and goes. The danger is high fever and internal bleeding. When that happens, it can be life-threatening and you better rush to the hospital. Fortunately, none of us had these symptoms.

Then when you think you're getting better, a rash shows up, that can create burning, prickly skin in random locations. My daughter's hands turned red and swollen and felt like they were on fire. She submerged them in ice to get relief.

There is really no medicine for Dengue, antibiotics or such are ineffective. You basically take aspirin or other pain meds to reduce swelling and give some relief. That's about your only option. 

The year 2023 had one of the highest levels of Dengue Fever ever reported in Mexico, and 2024 was even higher. I guess it's no surprise that I got it as my goodbye present from Veracruz.


  1. Oh my goodness..that sounds awful. Glad you are on the mend again.
    You are right on your comment on my blog post about the planning that goes into such an endevour. Planning begins immediately when everyone comes home. Some things have to be reserved far in advanced like vans, lumber, menu planning and finding out what houses need to be built,
    So glad someone else had that responsibility.. Me..I just went and did what I was told to do..haha

  2. NOT the goodbye present any of you wanted. I am glad you are on the mend. You and your daughter look very much alike.

  3. Oh dang, glad you are all feeling better now though.

  4. It's a nasty disease. It's called breakbone disease, with good reason.

  5. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. So glad you're all feeling much better now! Dengue is an absolutely dreadful experience. I have a friend whose eyes went completely red for almost a week while she was down with dengue.

  6. Sorry you all had to get it! That's another reason to hate mosquitoes.

  7. Oh, that sounds like a not-nice parting on Mexico's part . I'm disheartened that we humans don't develop real immunity to it, because as you said, it's not your first time.

  8. How awful for you and your family! I have heard of this but did not know much of the symptoms. Sounds dreadful! Very glad you are feeling better. Thanks so much for the visit to my blog. I have enjoyed reading yours but sad to know about this horrible Dengue fever you all had.

  9. I'm relieved you are all better. Not a nice parting gift for that mosquito to give you or your family. I just read about it and learned there are four strains. If you get it you become immune to that strain but not the only three. (According to the CDC, you get short term immunity from all four but it's only temporary, lasting about two months.) And, it is also found in certain of our Southern states. Ugh.

  10. Horrible goodbye gift. Where are you headed next?

  11. How dreadful, but I'm glad your kids were there because it would've been worse to get it and be alone I think. Great wishes for full recovery for all of you.

  12. Oh No! Just seeing this and hope you are feeling well. I've had concerns about this when traveling and sad to see that rates are way up.

  13. Lately, it seems more people who have been traveling have come home ill. Sorry to read about your bout and hope you’re feeling better, Karen.

  14. Dengue fever sounds awful. I am glad you and your family recovered. I like the photo of the beautiful lake.


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