Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala

Friday, April 17, 2015

OUTDOORS in Panajachel

It seems like everything happens outdoors in my town, even during the rainy season. It's odd because we came from the suburbs of Salt Lake City where people basically live in their cars or their houses, only going outside to exercise or do yard work.

But here, the whole population seems to be living outdoors.

At first seeing so many people outside all the time was exciting to me. I wanted to be part of the crowd, eating outside, walking to buy my supplies at "WalMart" or rather a small version of it called "Dispensa." And of course shopping for fruit and vegetables at the mercado, or open market.

Women making their corn tortillas outdoors for sale to passersby.

Even washing our clothes outside....

And of course drying them too!


  1. Dateline did a story of a guy who was arrested in Mexico for murdering his wife while on vacation there. They went into the prison where he was staying. (He was a narcissist, so he LOVED being on camera.) What struck me was how much of it was outside--almost all of it. Or maybe it's that so much of America is INSIDE?! That's probably the unusual part.

    1. Stephanie, After being here a year, I think a lot about how much of America is inside, with central air and heating to keep inside the walls of our homes at certain temperatures, and I still have the tendency myself to stay indoors more than I should.

  2. I love outdoor markets, the colors, the smells, the noise.

    re: washing
    Wouldn't want to wash clothes by hand, but I do line-dry when I can.

    1. Maria, At first I hired someone to do the washing since I couldn't see myself doing it by hand either, but then I got the hang of it and found it to be a relaxing endeavor that got me outdoors in the mornings, rather like gardening used to do. Now I prefer doing the job myself rather than hiring it out.

  3. If the weather is nice, I'd like to be outdoors as well. Fresh tortillas sound good.

  4. Even though our climates couldn't be more different everyone here wants to be outside too - they love this time of year when the days are getting longer but there is still ice and snowso you can ride your skidoo to your cabin! It has been snowing all day long and yes...I'm the tiniest bit fed up!

    1. Jan, this makes me think it truly is that too much of US life is indoors and not as related to the weather as we might think. More a lifestyle than a result of sunshiney days.

  5. Very interesting seeing the outdoor markets. I'd like that part. I visited friends in Desert Hot Springs before and the 100+ degree weather kept me inside. I tend to like the coolness better, not the heat. Beautiful photos.

  6. You had me thinking, "what a great life", then I saw you doing the wash. I do not think I could handle that. However, everything else is lovely.

  7. A walk through that street market is uplifting in so many ways.

    Washing my clothes outdoors and hanging them to dry brings back childhood memories.

  8. I have wonderful memories of washed clothes hung up to dry. I use to run between the hanging sheets, and breath in the smell of soap. And just imagining the smell of cooking tortillas and fresh vegetables makes me want to jump into those pictures.

  9. I love hanging clothes outside to dry. My hubby doesn't like me doing that at all and he got rid of the old clothesline and never put a new one back like he promised. There is something just wonderful and clean about it

  10. Hi Karen - I bet lots of living is done outside ... sounds just lovely to be reminded about it ... I love washing on a line too ... your market place must be amazing - tempting to stop off for a tortilla or a coffee ... and then the natter of life going on around you ... looks wonderful .. cheers Hilary

  11. I wish I could live somewhere like that.
    Fresh food every day. Sunshine and clean air.
    I was outside all day yesterday and only came in because it was getting late and I had to get some rest. I don't like being inside.

    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador


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